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Anti-Glare coating apply to ATM teller machine

kanou 2014-03-03 0

As we all know,ATM machine already more and more popular in our daily life.
Some financial institution such as bank in order to make more convenient to take deposits and the demand of information searching, is increasing the number of ATM, you can find ATM teller machines everywhere even small city which financial is not developed.

It is expected in the “Twelfth Five Year Plan”period, with the speeding up of Chinese economic development and urbanization process,The demand of China’s ATM per year in 60,000 to around 80,000,by 2015, China’s ATM market retains the quantity will reach 550,000 to 600,000,is expected to surpass American became the World’s largest ATM Market.More industry optimistic estimate,in the future Chinese ATM total market capacity will reach one million,a very broad space for development.

Most of the ATM teller machines are place in outdoor,users access the business is easily influenced by the external environment light(the glass of display will have light reflection),it will influence the normal operation. So, how to solve this problem?
The old corresponding method is stick Anti-Glare PE film in the ATM screen.
Advantage: low cost
Disadvantage:the surface hardness of PE film only has 2H, after users multiple operate ATM touch screen, it is very easy to scratch, wear, often need to change,the most important thing is the user feel bad when touch and affecting the operation experience.

Now, the corresponding method is use the common chemical tempered cover glass processed with anti glare effect of chemically tempered glass directly.
Advantage:the user feels good when touch,the effect of anti glare is well-distributed.The surface hardness of glass is 7H can anti scratch and wear, do not need change often.
Disadvantage: the processing of cover glass is difficulty, rising cost(but for ATM teller machine, rising cost are a very small percentage )

Gather the case:
The ATM teller machine of Hitachi,OKI, NCK...etc. Has been imported and put into the market.

Knowledge of glass:
What is Anti-Glare glass?
This kind of glass is made by special process, it’s feature is no reflective surface,the surface of product is good for antisepsis and preventing scratch.The screen can be transparence anti giddy light,prevent reflective and present a more clear image by combining video frequency screen.
Anti-Glare glass can reduce the affect of environment light, improve the visual angle and the brightness of the display screen,reduce screen reflections, make the image more clear, more colorful,color more saturated,in order to improve the effect of display.
